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Stredoveké dožinky na Bratislavskom hrade
28 septembra / 10:00 - 29 septembra / 18:00
Stredoveké trhy plné remesiel, hier, vôní a chutí na Bratislavskom hrade, ktoré vám priblížia dožinky – starú slávnosť spojenú s koncom žatvy a vďakou za úrodu!
Na nádvorí Bratislavského hradu 28. a 29. septembra, vždy od 10:00 do 18:00.🌾🌿
🤩 Skupina Schatmansdorf si pre vás pripravila:
– Dobové remeslá, ako je kachliar, krajčír, tokár, vinár, včelár, iluminátor, kožiar a mnoho iných.
– Historickú kuchyňu, kde môžete ochutnať rôznorodé jedlá.
– Historický kolotoč.
– Hry a zábavu pre veľkých aj malých.
– Sokoliari z dvoru Astur.
– a bonusom bude aj spoločný kruhový tanec.
Vstup na podujatie je ZADARMO❗️
Nezabudnite navštíviť aj výstavy a expozície SNM – Historického múzea v interiéri Bratislavského hradu! Otvorené takisto od 10:00 do 18:00 (posledný vstup o 17:00)
Title: Medieval “dožinky” harvest celebration at Bratislava Castle
Date: 28.-29.9.2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Place: Courtyard of Bratislava Castle
Medieval markets full of crafts, games, smells and tastes at the Bratislava Castle, which will bring you closer to the “dožinky” – an old celebration associated with the end of the harvest and expressing gratitude for the crops!
In the courtyard of Bratislava Castle on September 28 and 29, always from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 🌾🌿
🤩 The Schatmansdorf Group has prepared for you:
– A showcase of medieval guilds such as ceramic tile maker, tailor, woodworker, winemaker, beekeeper, illuminator, leatherworker and many others.
– Historical kitchen where you can taste a variety of dishes.
– Thematic wooden carousel for the little ones.
– Games and entertainment for people of all ages.
– Falconers from the court of Astur.
– a special chance to join a group performing traditional round dance.
Entry to the event is FREE❗️
Don’t forget to visit the exhibitions and expositions of the SNM – Historical Museum in the interior of Bratislava Castle! Also open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (last entry at 5:00 p.m.)